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Aquilegia Downy Mildewed Seedlings

I THINK that it IS possible to get systemically infected seedlings UPON GERMINATION
I have seen some tiny seedlings that look quite white (creamy white) and very different to white-flowered aquilegias that have a lighter whiter green leaf with no purple in the leaf stem up to normal seedlings.
Sorry no pics, only seen this a couple of times and getting a camera wasn't my priority!  
When I have seen such suspect seedlings I have scooped out that seedling together with an amout of the compost around it (that may have become infected if spores are released) and put it in with rubbish collection.  And kept a close eye on the rest of the seedlings of that batch. So far, so good.    
Look out for browny spots and shrivelling of petals.    

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