NOTE TOUCHWOOD IS NOW TRADING from GORSEINON. This is my 2025 seedlist, health-permitting, it won't  be my last one, and SPECIAL OFFER, the seeds are now far cheaper than the 2014 prices of £1.50-£2.50/packet! Mix and match with my very special Aquilegia seeds. 

 Your site stood out with all its idiosyncratic charm. Though I don't think it would win awards for web-design, it does convey your love for, and knowledge of, aquilegia and I decided that was more important. CS, Hants 

UK Postage & Packing is £2 (may be cheaper for one or two packets) 

Seed of unusual, rare & cottage garden plants. OVER 130 TYPES


6 or more: £1.25/packet 

20 or more: £1.00/packet 



I have a keen interest in unusual garden plants  (okay, okay, I’m obsessed with them!!).  I especially enjoy growing from seed as I am awed by the miraculous process of germination.  I love aquilegias (granny bonnets/ columbines), and I have a special collection of rare sorts, here in Swansea. Perhaps you’ll be tempted by some of the seed, not just for singles, but also doubles, bicolours and scented forms.  

 TESTIMONIALS: "Your list of seeds is very impressive"  " Congratulations again on a wonderful seedlist" I M Miller, Galashiels "Order received safe and sound. I appreciated your generous choice of plant seeds  and the Aquilegia Connoisseur's Choice seeds included in my bumper bundle of Terrific Twenty* for £8, but I've noticed that Chiltern are selling them at £3.40/packet!" D Caldwell, Kent  2007.  "A pleasure to deal with, I feel like visiting your garden - and I would love to see pictures of it.  I hope to deal with you again very soon, kids, work, studying and of course - time permitting!  Once again, thanks, and I wish you continued success!" "Parfait ,Bon Produit Conforme Bien Emballé Envoi Rapide RECOM. à l'INTERNATIONAL"



   HINTS, easiest to browse this long table on a PC. Looking for particular plant? It's alphabetical order... or use the 'find' dialogue box (on my PC hit ctrl &f)

Looking for something different? Do give something new a try, and you'll find lots of ideas here!  

Wondering how to order? No, I don't use a basket and pay system, instead just email me your wishlist and I'll check availability and let you know. Payment direct bank transfer or cash (I cannot take cheques as can't get to bank, sorry).

  • The bees have had their fun, and as all my plants are open pollinated, aquilegias and many other cultivars cannot to guaranteed to come true to type, I select seed from the correct seed parent.
  • Often, I may only have a few packets of seed of a certain type. So please give plenty of alternatives, or ring/e-mail for availability.
  • HOW MANY SEEDS IN A PACKET? Usually 'enough'! Unless stated otherwise, there is at least 25 seeds and sometimes even double that amount.

PHOTOGRAPHS are great, but COLOURS aren't always perfect: eg understand that ordinary photos tend to make blues look more purple and digital photos make the blues look clearer! So please use the photos with this in mind and take the written description as more realistic.  However, MOST of the photos are taken of the actual plant from which the seed was harvested....that's good, isn't it?   


KEY: 'NEW for 20xx'' means new this year, either for the first time or after a time of unavailability on the seedlist                     Carrie Thomas-


SEED-LIST  2025 

Below are seeds  of ornamentals EXCEPT Aquilegia  by Alphabetical Latin-name.


To order:  email me a list of seeds that you'd like, I'll check availability and confirm total costs with you. 



 Bear's breeches.

Slowly becomes a wide-spreading plant, with unusual spiteds of flowers over 1M tall.

Sorry very few seeds are set.

4 large seeds/packet

Sorry, none for 2025

 ACONITUM napellus



VERY POISONOUS , so I grow mine at the back of the border. Too many slugs here for growing delphiniums, s THIS is the plant that gives me strong perennial growth of blue spires.

New for 2025





Granny's Bonnets


Follow this link for a whole page! hp

ALCEA HOLLYHOCKS MIXED hb/p The sheer height and floriferousness of hollyhocks always brings a smile to my face!  Flowers the year after a spring sowing, and sometimes dies and otherwise comes back to flower again the next year.

Seeds from reds and pink forms
ALCEA HOLLYHOCKS ex shorter white hb/p to about 1 meter high

New for 2025



newer name:

Aurinia saxatile


 hp  PERENNIAL yellow rock garden plant...or for the front of the border.
ANTIRRHINUM  Mixed pink & magenta / cerise snapdragons
hp Snapdragon. Fun flowers, often flowering first year from seed... and then each year! Seed from all shades of pinks, magentas and cerises.
With all my snapdragons, I do not know if the colour will come true from seeds... but you are getting what I myself use to select next generaation plants!


ANTIRRHINUM  ex white forms snapdragons
hp Snapdragon. Here from white ones
With all my snapdragons, I do not know if the colour will come true from seeds... but you are getting what I myself use to select next generaation plants!


ANTIRRHINUM  ex pink snapdragon
hp Snapdragon. Here from pink one
With all my snapdragons, I do not know if the colour will come true from seeds... but you are getting what I myself use to select next generaation plants!


ANTIRRHINUM  ex pink & yellow snapdragon
hp Snapdragon. Here is seeds from a 2-tone pink & yellow one.
Seeds from several plants, showing varying amounts of pink or yellow within them.
With all my snapdragons, I do not know if the colour will come true from seeds... but you are getting what I myself use to select next generaation plants!


ANTIRRHINUM  ex white & yellow
hp Rather refined....With all my snapdragons, I do not know if the colour will come true from seeds... but you are getting what I myself use to select next generaation plants!

NEW FOR 2025



maritima  THRIFT

 hp Our native wildflower that adorns cliffs especially here on the Gower, makes a great garden plant, seen here on my rock garden.
Seed also collected from 'Armada Pink'


maritima  THRIFT ex WHITE FORM

 hp Seed from the white form of the above, and also from 'Armada White'. Cutting the photo for the website I noticed it has BLUE pollen!!!
 Sorry, none for 2025

pseudoarmeria ex BALLERINA 

ex lilac form

also no pic ex white form



 hp This Ballerina series is a recent introduction and brings in a wider range of colours and leaves that are wider and strongly growing. Sorry, poor pic....
Select seedlings with wider leaves, as thin leaves will not be true to colour type..

pseudoarmeria ex BALLERINA 

ex orangy-red form

This Ballerina series is a recent introduction and brings in a wider range of colours and leaves that are wider and strongly growing.
Select seedlings with wider leaves, as thin leaves will not be true to colour type..
ASARINA antirrhiniflora hha/p

 What a lovely, delicate climber. It can put on an amazing display from summer right through a long mild autumn.

Here in Swansea I overwinter the pots next to the house under the verandah and they usually survive well and form a larger plant the following year/s.

astrantia  major  hp  Masterwort…now are you any the wiser?  Very long flowering, whether in garden or in a vase.  You will inspect each flowerhead for its delicate appearance, yet it’s robust enough to take your thumb waving through it to feel its structure.  From the white form. Attractive leaves.

hortensis rubra  


Purple Orache: a hardy annual that self-seeds each year.  Ornamental foliage plant to 1m or more with luscious deep purple-black leaves.  Luscious?  Yes, edible as a leaf to mix into salads, where the almost black leaves contrast fantastically with green salad leaves. The colour is rather darker than the camera shows.The seed-heads are fantastic in flower arrangements. NEW FOR 2022



 ha Growing to about 1 metre, this is the extraordinary giant quaking grass. Absolutely enormous quaking lockets, loads to each stem.  A hardy (naturalising) annual, great for fresh and dried flower arrangements.    article link  
CALENDULA officinalis
Pot Marigold  Mix
ha/b/p   Cheerful Calendulas always make my heart sing. Here's a mix of singles and doubles, dark and light centres.
BTW it's called POT marigold as it was used in the cooking pot. I like to sprinkle the petals in salads, and use the petals when cooking rice to impart a gentle colour and flavour.
CAMPANULA persicifolia
peach-leaved bellflower ex white form
hp Easy from seed, slugs leave it alone (except for seedling stages) and should gently self-sow for you.
Last years seeds so double-sized packets
CAMPANULA persicifolia
peach-leaved bellflower ex blue form
hp Easy from seed, slugs leave it alone (except for seedling stages) and should gently self-sow for you.
Last years seeds so double-sized packets
CAMPANULA trachelium hp Blue-purple flowers. The nettle-leaved bellflower, 2-3', resplendent in early summer..  A good ‘doer’, which gently self-seeds. And is slug-proof.
CAMPANULA trachelium 'Bernice' hp Here is the double form
NEW FOR 2025
CAMPANULA trachelium
ex white
hp The nettle-leaved bellflower, here in white form.   And is slug-proof.NEW FOR 2025
CAMPANULA trachelium
ex white double form
hp The nettle-leaved bellflower, here in white form and DOUBLE, isn't that lovely?  I hope it comes true from seed, I understand it should do so.  And is slug-proof. Last years seeds so double-sized packets
Red Valerian, ex dark pink/red form
hp Often seen growing wild, does great under hedges, sprawling over walls or in borders. Flowers almost non-stop over summer months. Beware enthusiastic seeding via the wind-blown parasols!

 major ex purpurascens  x 20 seeds

 ha/b This is at its most dramatic from overwintered plants, although you can also grow it as an annual.  It's absolutely stunning.  NEW FOR 2023




 hb/p Wallflowers. Yes, you can grow these to use as spring bedding, but me, I love them as hardy perennials.

...and yes they can establish on old walls... that's what I am trying to establish in my garden.

Sunset colours mainly rich orangey reds but also reds and a smattering of yellow.

Last years seeds so double-sized packets







 hp Double form of the native greater celandine (absolutely no relation to, and nothing like the lesser celandine).

Perky yellow flowers decorate a mound of great foliage over a long flowering season. Generously self-sows (if you let it!).

vulgare   hp Wild flower. Oxeye Daisy, Moon daisy, Dog Daisy.
Very easy, may flower the first year from seeds.


tricolor  MIX

Dwarf Morning Glory

 ha  These plants always attracted the interest of garden visitors. Ones in containers were bushily flofiferous but went over more quicklythan the stragly plants in my poor clay soil, which bore a few final flowers into November this year ... 2021 Loks of colours and markings, here's a purple and pink form.
Sorry, none for 2025

tricolor  ex blue form

Dwarf Morning Glory

 ha  See above. These are seed collected only from the blue & white form, my favourite of all the varied colours and markings. Will they come true or a mix of other colours? I will have to find out!
Sorry, none for 2025
 clematis   tangutica ex 'Bill Mackensie'  hp  The orange peel clematis, yet its yellow flowers suggest lemon peel to be a more accurate description!  An extrordinarily easy-from-seed clematis, may even flower first year from an early sowing.

And just look how attractive the seed heads are.....glorious tresses!

 cRocosmia  ex 'Lucifer'  hp  This is a tall crocosmia, looking you in the face raher than being knee or waist high.
Really stong (devilish) red.

 CYCLANTHERA 'Fat Baby' (8 seeds)
 (h)ha Achoca. Eye-catching large, decorative leaves on this ornamental climber. Fantastic green-hedgehog edible fruits! Down-under they are known as Bishop's balls. Seems a funny shape to play football with... No matter, they eat the young pods raw...with ginger and lemon juice. Larger fruits may be stuffed and baked.
 New for 2023
DIANTHUS armeria

Deptford pink

hb Deepest pink flowers open individually over a long period.

Deptford Pink article



Sweet William Mix


Sweet William from the plants in my garden, mixed colours.

These are the usual, knee-height (or taller) sorts


 barbatus  short, creeping  Sweet William Mix


Sweet William  ex 'Persian Carpet' Mix.

New to me, what a delight! shorter plants yet full sized flowering heads!

NEW FOR 2023



Carthusian pink


New for me in 2021 and pleasingly flowered the first year from seed. I've seen it elsewhere looking dramatic in a clump. My seed was from the named 'Rupert's Pink'

Last years seeds so double-sized packets

Dianthus deltoides
ex dark red form

These are so easy from seed, and grow pleasingly rapidly. So far I've found they come true colour from seed.

Great rockery plant, or front of the border, you can also use it as a foliage 'lawn', but it shouldnt be trodden on.

Last years seeds so double-sized packets




ex dark pink form

I'm widening the colour range that I can offer with this delight.

Great rockery plant, or front of the border, you can also use it as a foliage 'lawn', but it shouldnt be trodden on.

Last years seeds so double-sized packets


ex white form

See details above. This is the form I grow as a 'lawn' under my lollipop box! Photo shows it the first year of flowering, 1 year after sowing, it's far more dense now.



ex 'Arctic Fire'

See details above. Why have I never seen this before, it is absolutely stunning and so easy from seed, which germinated in just 2 days during a heatwave! Already a must-have plant for me.

Last years seeds so double-sized packets






WOW!!! Both en masse and individually these flowers really are superb!

New for 2025





hp Woolly or Grecian Foxglove. Love the colours and netted markings.
Sorry, none for 2025



hp Small yellow (or Straw) Foxglove. Smaller flowers but lots of them to make up for size!
Sorry, none for 2025

 DIGITALIS  purpurea
ex usual purple  2025, I only have mixed seeds, purple, white and purple-spotted white all mixed together.


 hb  Foxglove.  Easy from seed, just dont sow too thickly! From a large rosette of strong leaves in the first year, the next year/s up will shoot a tall flowering stem/s.
DIGITALIS   purpurea ex white form hb

Select seedlings with no purple in the leaf stem.

DIGITALIS   purpurea ex white spotted form hb

I just cannot find my pic of the actual plant in my garden so put a similar one. The seed is one from larger spotted marks.  With this form you cannot 'select seedlings with no purple in the leaf stem.'

2025, only in mix

DIGITALIS   purpurea ex pale form hb

I just cannot find my pic of the actual plant in my garden so put a similar one. The seed is one from larger spotted marks.  With this form you cannot 'select seedlings with no purple in the leaf stem.'

New for 2025

DIPSACUS  fullonum  hp


 The teasel.  A biennial whose first year rosette suddenly ‘takes off’ in the second year to create a candelabra of masses of purple flower heads.  Use fresh or dried in flower arrangements, or leave on the plant for dramatic winter interest, birds will be grateful for the feed of seeds. Self sows year-to-year.  Unusual for the way it traps insects in leafy, watery graves to ensure nitrogen for growth. The photo shows how the leaf bases are joined around the central stem to form a watery moat. Dipsacus fullonum in beautiful bud

Eccremocarpus scaber, usually grown as an annual climber hh/a/p
Rather refined, this delightful half-hardy climber may overwinter when it's mild, or if you give it some protection.
xpect slight variations in flower colour.
ECHINOPS ritro 15 seeds
Blue Globe Thistle
hp Rarely seen, this is a majestic plant, kindly offering up their stunning flowers at head height, all the better to see the intricasies of the flower and also admire the bumbles who delight in these! These seeds are, I think, the worst ones I have to harvest: from prickly sheaths I have to excavate to find if there is actually a seed there to liberate. Time consuming and prickly. So only 15 seeds/packet
ECHIUM   pininana

Link to my Facebook video: (20+) Facebook
(h)hp  It's not easy to get them through their first 2-3 winters before they flower as they are not very hardy.
The first winter you could have them in a pot somewhere protected and then use fleece over the growing point for frost protection in later years.
EVEN IF IT DIES in winter it will have made a great exotic looking palm-like plant even in it's first year from seed.
Bees love the flowers...
This is older seeds that I am currently testing for germination....
ECHIUM   vulgare
Viper's Bugloss
(h)hp One of our most special and dramatic wild flowers here in Britain. To 1M or taller.
New for 2025.
ERIGERON karvinskyanus hp A willing, enthusiastic flowerer for months on end, this daisy looks great tumbling down walls or lining steps.
It self-sows gently and then you'll find it in all sorts of nooks and cranny's that you'd never have thought a plant would fit!
 ERYNGIUM   eburneum 
 hp  A perennial sea holly, with an exceedingly good winter rosette. The leaves are long with softish spines, looking quite exotic in the winter garden, and stunning in a pot.  In summer, architectural 5’-6’ high flower stems sport masses of green flower-heads. Oh, and it’s slug-proof.
 ERYNGIUM   giganteum

also known as 'Miss Wilmott's Ghost'
 hb  Great seaholly with large, architectural  flowerheads that can be dried.
 ERYNGIUM   planum
 hp  A wonderful seaholly.



Rather rare.  Bright yellow flower bracts around May and June.

Explosive seed pods means Euphorbia seed is difficult to harvest. You will only get 20 seeds, but believe me they have taken a great deal of time, dedication and effort to harvest and clean them.




vulgare, bronze form


The filamentous leaves are especially beautiful in the spring as they unfurl, darkly. Reaching head-height, all parts are edible, including the multiheaded flowerheads and the seeds. Oh, the roots, are they edible? Anyone know? But then you'd not want to eat them and loose a long season of interest: April 'til the frosts, and even then as seedheads for winter architectural interest and for feeding the birds. 






 FRANCOA Bridal wreath.  hp   Low clumps of fresh foliage with tall wands bearing flowers that are pink but well marked with deep pink/red at the centre.  Charming anywhere, incl dry shade.
GALEGA officinalis
French Lilac,
Goat's Rue
This I call '2-tone lilac', one customer said it was like wisteria... yeah!!!
What a stunner! Smothered in flowers each year for a long season, and the foliage is rich and green. Dying down to the ground each year, the new growth will CLAMBER up to about 2M, 6' (not self-clinging). All my plants were clones and I never had seeds. Then I also grew the white and purple form (from white seeds) and  I got seeds, so I assume it is not self fertile. Therefore seeds will be hybrids and there's no way of knowing which flowers will come from them.
20 seeds
GALEGA officinalis
French Lilac,
Goat's Rue
This I call '2-tone purple', and is subtley different from 2-tone lilac one.
See above, note these seeds will be hybrids and there's no way of knowing which flowers will come from them.
 20 seeds/packet

GALEGA officinalis
French Lilac,
Goat's Rue
This is seed from white form (pic also has some of the 2-tone purple with it.
See above, note these seeds will be hybrids and there's no way of knowing which flowers will come from them.
10 seeds /packet

GERANIUM palmatum (20 seeds) (h)p Very unusual and quite rare in gardens is this magnificent Geranium.  It's not totally hardy, so plant it in the most sheltered space, possibly under the edge of a shrub that protects from winter cold.

Lovely leaves, looking particularly good in the spring before much else has awoken, and swathes of pink flowers standing strongly above the foliage.
Geranium palmatum at Touchwood
  GERANIUM  pratense striatum (12 seeds)

Known as ‘Splish-Splash’. Streaked blue-&white flowers, very different. Usually comes true from seeds. It's difficult to collect these seeds as the plant catapults them when ripe! So only 12 seeds... but look at what other sellers charge for them!

None for 2025

 GERANIUM  pratense ex
blue shades mixed

 Meadow Cranesbill. 

20 seeds/packet.

New for 2025

 GERANIUM  pratense ex

 Meadow Cranesbill. 

20 seeds/packet.

New for 2025

 GERANIUM  pratense ex
Dark leaved form
(6 seeds)

Beautiful purple-leaved  Meadow Cranesbill.  Easy to select the ones with PURPLE leaves just after germination.  Delightful and different!

Horrendously expensive as I harvested few seeds before they exploded away, even so I believe 12 seeds for £1 is extraordinaryly good value, and even at £1.50 is amazing.

  GERANIUM  pyrenaicum  ex
f. albiflorum
hp  Cranesbill. Masses of white flowers, and as good as its standard pink brother in all other ways.  A must-have!  
  GERANIUM  pyrenaicum ex white-
eyed purple
hp Pyrenean Cranesbill.Masses of small and cheerful white-eyed purpley-blue flowers, very desirable! As with all of these, they will flower in the 1st year of sowing.
 GERANIUM  sanguineum
Bloody cranesbill
(6 seeds)

Known as Bloody Cranesbill not for its colour but because it stanches blood!.  Kids delight in naming this wildflower, seed here is from shown cultivar.

Horrendously expensive as I harvested few seeds before they exploded away, even so I believe 6 seeds for £1 is very good value, and even at £1.50 is competitive.   None for 2025

GEUM ex 'Mrs Bradshaw' hp Seems to come true from seed, a gorgeous scarlet-red, semi-double flowers. may flower first year from seed!
GYPSOPHILA cerastioides hp Great rockery perennial, does extremely well in my rock garden, expanding satisfyingly as a large cushion of foliage, and looking even better in flower.

Sorry, none 2025

matronalis ex hint of lilac form  

 hb  Sweet Rocket. Cottage garden biennial: sweet rocket, with clove scented, edible flowers at 1m or more, will self seed gently if allowed. 

Most seed is from hint of lilac form. Expect some cross-pollination to have occurred so other colours also likely!


HYPERICUM perforatum ha/b St John's Wort
One of our wild flowers, a British native.
Somehow I forgot to photo any of the plants in my garden. Sorry... it's easy enough to look up!  New for 2025
IBERIS umbellata
ha/b Great annual (even better if sown autumn and overwintered), with perky and pretty flowers in pinks, purples and white. Easy peasy plant, and will self sow if you let it.
IMPATIENS scabrida ha Is that an orchid?  No,another related to busy lizzies! I grew this for the first time in 2024, and I am hooked!. I hope it will self sow ... it's explosive seedpods should have done the trick!
New for 2025
IMPATIENS balfourii ha Another: Is that an orchid? I often get asked about this unusual annual. No, it's actually related to busy lizzies! Really willing and able, giving loads of pleasure from the dolphin-buds to the delicate flowers and even the scary-to-collect explosive seedpods. Will seed around if you let it.
NOTE: This is like a small and bushy version of the dire Himalayan balsam that cloggs our riverbanks. Just in case these seeds can also survive water logging, I ask you not to grow where seeds can enter watercourses, and that includes plants throwing seeds where they can be washed into drains.
IPOMOEA tricolor (mainly violets) hhcl MORNING GLORY
Absolutely beautiful flowers adorning annual climbing vines.
So beautiful we can easily forgive them curling up later in the day. Enjoy their glory in the morning!
Sow and put them outside after frosts, I like them climbing up through my runner beans.

LATHYRUS perenial  sweetpea hpcl Perennial sweetpeas are strong growers, dying back to the groud each winter before exploding into growth in spring.
Great masses of flowers, good in a vase, they just miss the scent of the annuals.
Last years seeds so double sized packets
LATHYRUS perenial  sweetpea
ex 'Pink Pearl'
hpcl Perennial sweetpeas are strong growers, dying back to the groud each winter before exploding into growth in spring.
Great masses of flowers, good in a vase, they just miss the scent of the annuals.
NEW FOR 2025
LAVATERA arborea variegata
hb/p The variegated leaved tree mallow, with pink flowers.  The beautifully variegation develops during the first autumn, the leaves are large and very tactile, being softer than velvet.  Will you be able to keep the leaves on the plant all winter or will the flower-arranger in the family strip it? Deep pink mallow flowers on bushy, shrubby 5-6' plants.

Highly recommended.

LAVATERA ex 'Bredon Springs'
 Tree mallow
Sometimes known as 'Brendon Springs', and I've no idea which is correct.
vulgare   hp Wild flower. Oxeye Daisy, Moon daisy, Dog Daisy.
Very easy, may flower the first year from seeds.
Bee loved

.New for 2025

No, I'd never heard of this either!

Cape pitcher sage, baja pitcher sage, Pakaha. I was delighted to grow this very rare Mexican native. Hardy here in Swansea. The flower colour is spectacular a deep rich purple-magenta, but the very best bit... it has fragrant leaves. Rich deep scent,  I thought that people would either love or hate, but so far visitors to my garden have been in agreement: love it!  Seeds difficult to harvest (but make my hands smell wonderful!), nevertheless I will do 25 seeds in a packet.  New for 2025

 I think this should be grown more.
LILIUM Unknown yellow, tall (4-5') and strong, has thrived and increased in 3 years. hblb

Most lilies I plant are expensive yet soon dwindle and die off, so for this one to have increased in 3 years is a miracle! Mine grow in poor soil under an apple tree in a bed of mixed planting.

Growing lilies from seed is a challenge... sow as soon as possible outside in autumn/winter and expect a spring germination, and then wait a few years to flowering size.None for 2025

LILIUM regale
Regal lily
may be the all-white form, the usual with darker buds, or a mix of both!

This one does quite well in my garden, beware slugs with all lilies when they start to emerge in spring... then beware the dire red lily beetle and they horrid excrement-covered larvae. Hope I've not put you off....

Growing lilies from seed is a challenge... sow as soon as possible outside in autumn/winter and expect a spring germination, and then wait a few years to flowering size. None for 2025

LINARIA alpina



Alpine toadflax

Lovely glaucus foliage and beautifully marked flowers.

This is a short, alpine, rock-  garden plant which I grew for the first time in 2022. It flowered the first year from sowing though is said to be perennial. I expect it will also seed itself.

Last years seeds so double-sized packets,

LINARIA purpurea hp

Tall, slim spires of massed purple easy from seed that it will flower the first year!


LINARIA purpurea

ex 'Springside White'


Just as easy as the above from seed but collected from plants with white flowers.

White-flowered forms can be selected early, just choose the seedlings with no purple in the stems.


LINARIA purpurea MIX
ex purple form &

ex 'Springside White'


Just as easy as the above from seed but here with pink flowers. The white form will not have purple tinge to stems so you can select a balanced mix at seedling stage.

Bumbles love both colours!


Lunaria annua
ark-leaved, dark pods


Honesty. Whoops, I can't find my pics. So this has dark leaves and dark seedpods, with the usual purple flowers.

Peel the seedpods to reveal the dried 'flower' of silver pennies, they last indoors for MANY years. Last years seeds so double-sized packets,

Lunaria annua
Last years seeds so double-sized packets,

Honesty. Seed from my white flowered plants.

Lunaria annua ex cerise hb

Honesty. Cerise rather than purple flowers, pics shows the two colours.

None FOR 2025 

Lunaria annua ex alba variegata hb

Honesty. Seed the variegated white form. Don't be disappointed (like I was) when all the seedlings are green-leaved. They will slowly change as winter arrives.

None FOR 2025 

LYCHNIS chalcidonica hp

Maltese Cross

With bright red flowers.




YCHNIS coronaria, this is ex cerise form hp

 With cerise flowers, and contrasting grey felted foliage

Note I grow 4 colours in my garden, so you may get some surprises!


LYCHNIS coronaria
hot pink

 Lovely furry, soft foliage. With white flowers, very cool.

Pic shows hot pink vs cerise

Note I grow 4 colours in my garden, so you may get some surprises!

None for 2025


LYCHNIS coronaria
ex alba

 Lovely furry, soft foliage. With white flowers, very cool.

Note I grow 4 colours in my garden, so you may get some surprises!


LYCHNIS coronaria occulata group

'Angel's Blush'


Pink-centred white flowers. Absolutely lovely.

Note I grow 4 colours in my garden, so you may get some surprises!

LYCHNIS flos cuculi
'White Robin'
white form of ragged robin.

Most people love the fancy fringed flowers of our native wildflower ragged robin. Here's the white form, it's easy from seed. It appreciates a spot in the garden that won't dry out in heatwaves (we wish!)


LYCHNIS viscaria
Sticky catchfly

Dark pink, whoops, I can't find my pic!

New for 2025


Malva moschata
Musk Mallow

The musk mallow.  This perennial has pretty purpley-pink flowers over a long season.  Attractive spring growth. Flowers first year from seed. Edible flower and leaf (very tasty, reminiscent of the smell of nettles when you cut them down).

Malva moschata
Musk Mallow
ex alba, white form

The white form of musk mallow (open pollinated).  This perennial has pretty purpley-pink flowers over a long season.  Attractive spring growth. Flowers first year from seed. Edible flower and leaf (very tasty, reminiscent of the smell of nettles when you cut them down).

Malva moschata
Musk Mallow
'Apple Blossom'

The pale pink form of musk mallow (open pollinated).   Flowers first year from seed. Edible flower and leaf (very tasty, reminiscent of the smell of nettles when you cut them down).

fruticulosa perennis  ... I believe

Well, whatever it's called, it's a great plant in the garden. Yes it has a froth of deep purple flowers over a long period but just as importantly it has attractive glaucus-white foliage that looks good even in winter. 

To left is white form, it better shows the leaves though seed is of the purple form.!

erubescens hha/p

 What a gorgeous climber.

In my Swansea garden I overwinter the pot on my verandah, and they have survived so far to make a larger plant more quickly the next summer and into the autumn.

Facebook 'Carrie's Garden' page shows a video.

NEW FOR 2025

meLIANTHUS  major (h)hp SO EXCITING! Possibly the most dramatic  and exotic, glaucus leaved plant you can grow.
Never dreamed I'd ever get seeds setting.  I have grown this plant for at least 20 years, and 2025 is the first year I have ever had viable seed from the early spring flowers. Horrendously expensive I'm afraid, as I only collected a few seeds, but these exotic glaucous foliage plants are priceless. Cut back by a hard winter they should grow again from the ground level. Or perhaps you can give yours some protection?
NEW FOR 2025 8 seeds


meconopsis  cambrica
hp The native wildflower: Welsh Poppy. A hardy perennial with yellow flowers on waving wand stems.  If you want to buy the Welsh Poppy, where better than from Wales!  


meconopsis  ex cambrica aurantica hp The pretty orangey-red form of the Welsh Poppy.  Note there are varying shades of orange in my collection.... May be doubles as well.
Last year's seeds so larger packets.
meconopsis  cambrica 

Oranges & Lemons Mix

hp Mix of the yellow and orange single forms. None for 2025  
melissa  officinalis 

hp Lemon Balm. Easy herb, forms an ever-increasing clump.
Wonderful tea: use 3-4 sprigs in boiling water, drink hot or chilled.

effusum  'Aureum'

hp  Bowles' Golden Grass.  Brightest yellow springtime foliage, airy flower-heads.

Myosotis forget-me-not
seed from good blue cultivar
hb Who would be without cheery forget-me-not in their garden? It will self-sow year to year if you let it, so you need never be without this harbinger of spring.
New for 2022
NICANDRA physalodes ex 'Violacea' ha Shoo-fly plant . Huge annuals at about 3' x 3', and even I can translate that to metric: 1m x 1m ! Shrubby growth with blue and white flowers, and some years it's up to 5' high and wide! Shrubby growth with blue and white flowers, but it's the stupendous almost-black buds and Chinese lantern-shaped seedpods that makes this cultivar a real showstopper. None for 2025  
NIGELLA damascena
Love-in-a mist
... or Devil-in-a-bush for the seedpods!
NIGELLA damascena
Love-in-a mist
ha Great self-sowing hardy annuals
New for 2023




 hb Evening primrose.  Large, bright yellow scented flowers.
Last years seeds so double-sized packets,


 hb Scots' Thistle.  Fantastically woolly-soft silver leaves (with prickles) that form a rosette in the first year. The next year the flowering stem quickly grows....well above head height ... and showers of purple, architectural flowers bloom over a long period.
Last years seeds so double-sized packets


 marjoram ex pink flowers

 hp MARJORAM.  Wonderful richly scented foliage on this indispensible herb. Beloved by bees..
Don't know proper names, but this one has pink flowers.

 marjoram ex white flowers

 hp MARJORAM.  Wonderful richly scented foliage on this indispensible herb. Beloved by bees..
Don't know proper names, but this one has white flowers... sorry for the poor pic of actual flowers.... but bees of all sorts love both types.
Last years seeds so double-sized packets
OXALIS valdeviensis


ha Oh boy, am I pleased to finally offer these seeds! An extremely pleasing, self-sowing annual with a continuing succession of yellow flower heads on 1' high stems. Hard to collect seeds as the seed capsules, being explosive, catapult seeds around before I even know they are ready!
PENSTEMON hirsutus ex pygmaeus
Hairy Beardtongue
hp A delightful rockery plant that was easy to grow from seed. It has really smooth leaves so I couldn't understand why its specific name is hirsutus.  Then I discovered the even more weird common name was beardtongue, what on eath is that about? Turns out there's a hairy staminoid in the throat of the flower... a bearded-tongue!!!
PENSTEMON hirsutus ex pygmaeus
Hairy Beardtongue
from a taller plant, about 25cms/10-12"
so perhaps not pygmaeus???
Next year I'll try to get a close-up pic of this plant and a flower, meanwhile this is the best I can do!
hp  Fox & Cubs. One of our most  handsome of wild flowers with unusual coloured flowers.
New for 2025


polemonium Unknown sort
I got it as 2 different sorts of Polemonium, they both came out the same... sorry, I only have a poor pic.
hp  Jacob’s ladder. Attractive, ladder-like leaves and heads of blue flowers during the summer months. About 18"-2'

The flower really is lovely...yellow-centred blue-purple blooms, and the polemonium's dstinctive ladder-like foliage.


ex white form
hp  Jacob’s ladder. Attractive, ladder-like leaves and heads of white flowers during the summer months. About 18"-2'
None for 2025



 POTENTILLA recta hp Many potentillas creep but this is erect ('recta') to about 12-18", and so the flowers can better be appreciated. Has a quiet charm and is a perfect foil for other flowers over most of the summer months. Can flower first year from seed.
 POTENTILLA ? montenegrina hp A taller white one that came to me as the white form of Potentilla recta.. I think it could be P. montenegrina
New for 2025
PRIMULA vialii hp The most surprising primula of them all.

Lilac-pink flowers open upwards from red buds. I've had them flower 1st year from seed!

New for 2023

SAXIFRAGA mossy, ex 'White Pixie' hp Charming and easy rock garden plant, spreads horizontally but always neatly.
White flowers, but red buds!
Last years seeds so double-sized packets
Though I hear we should call it Hesperantha
coccinea now.
Schizostylis or Hesperantha coccinea
hp The astounding and slug-proof Kaffir Lily, with crimson flowers in October when most plants are going to sleep for winter. Trouble-free, beautiful, and evergreen. Schizostylis or Hesperantha coccinea at Touchwood 
SEDUM rupestre ex 'Silver' hp One of the quicker spreading sedums, looking good all year round with its silvery leaves. Then in spring it will burst into its yellow flowering glory.

New for 2023

SIDALCEA ex 'Party Girl' hp  I was delighted not to be able to tell the difference between offspring and my original plant. Very easy and satisfying to grow. 

'Ray's Golden Campion'

hp I love this. Strong golden foliage and pink flowers over an amazingly long period. I've cut mine back in June towards end of flowering and was rewarded by some more flowers in Aug-October.
sisyrinchium  striatum hp  Flowers the year after sowing, with cream-and-yellow flowers up 50 cm flowering spikes.  Clumps in flower are an arresting sight! Evergreen iris-like foliage.
syn Matricaria

Aromatic foliage. Masses of yellow-centred daisy flowers in summer and autumn...and this year even now on December 12th 2012! 

ex Golden Feverfew

Can feverfew be improved on? Well here's one answer, let's have golden leaves!  Select golden seedlings when young.  Sorry, none for 2025

ex Double Form

Or how about this variation... one with DOUBLE daisy flowers!

Likely to flower first year from seed


ex 'Selma Star'

Or how about this other DOUBLE FLOWERED

New for 2025

Likely to flower first year from seed


TELLIMA grandiflora  . hp

Fringecups.  Evergreen shade-lover that also does well in the sun!  Tall waving wands of tiny fringed flowers with a delicate scent that I liken to azaleas.

THALICTRUM aquilegiifolium
hp A tall hardy perennial pinky-purple puffs of fluffy flowers. Exquisite.
A tall perennial that shouldn't need staking. Thalictrum gets to about 4-5' high with strong stems, and leaves that look rather like an aquilegia, as the name suggests.
 New for 2025

TRIFOLIUM panonicum, I believe hp I am so very pleased to have plants of these now, I'd seen them many years ago in gardens open in Llanmadoc and desired them ever since.  I tested the seeds this autumn (2021) and got germination, so here we are, you won't have to wait as many years as I did!
Trifolium? Yup... a large relative of the humble clover, this stands a lot taller, around 2' / 60cms. None for 2025
tropaeolum  majus, variegated, probably 'Alaska' hha  Nasturtium.  Extraordinary! Not just the ordinary nasturtium but with white-splashed foliage. Spectacular in a large pot! And just think how you can perk up the looks of a salad or garnish - using these marbled leaves and resplendent flowers. 
15 seeds only, sorry
Valeriana phu  hp I love the scent of these flowers gently wafting across my garden. About a meter tall, this will form a slowly growing clump in your border.


chaixii  yellow

 hp A perennial, steadily increasing clump, a verbascum with many spires of flowers with yellow petals, and purple centres. Each exquisite flower has a central tuft of furry (yes, furry) purple stamens. Why? I guess we'll never know, but the bees should appreciate the way they have a remarkable landing-platform during their sorties for nectar and pollen.
 verbascum chaixii  album  hp In this version, the spires of flowers have white petals to offset the purple centres. Brilliant! 
 verbascum olympicum  hp Multistemmed yellow, a great though short-lived perennial. Should self-seed. Sorry about pathetic photo.  New for 2025
VERBENA bonariensis (h)h a/b/p Sometimes perennial, or self-sowing each year, is this wonderful plant for attracting butterflies. 3-5' but 'airy' so you can place it towards the front of the border if you wish.
VERONICA longifolia
hp A good tall plant that neatly and slowly spreads from the base. New for 2025
VESTIA foetida
Extraordinary: almost fuchsia-like yellow flowers in spring, arch down from this evergreen shrub, which is hardy in sheltered spots.  If cut back by the cold, it may well sprout from ground level. Astonishing...and arresting.HINT: I may over-winter first-year seedlings under cold glass/my verandah, letting them grow in a sheltered spot in the open garden from then on. They may also self-sow.
VIOLA cornuta  alba  hp

Highly desirable, this is the white form of the horned violet.  All forms of the horned violet are TRUELY PERENNIAL and particularly floriferous for over six months. Position them where you can have all their faces looking towards the sun, ...and you!     Horned? Yes, can you see it's horn, sticking up behind to the right? It's where the nectar is stored, and also gives it its Latin epithet CORNuta like uniCORN.

None 2025

  CRESS hha As easy to grow as cress! Broadcast quite thickly in a small area of the garden and keep cutting-and-coming-again over many weeks. I love this spicey flavour, totally unlike the 'growing salad' punnets from supermarkets which is usually mainly rape seedlings.  And yes, good to grow indoors in winter on wet kitchen towels in a saucer.  None for 2025 Cress
 CYCLANTHERA 'Fat Baby' (8 seeds)
 (h)ha Achoca. Eye-catching large, decorative leaves on this ornamental climber. Fantastic green-hedgehog edible fruits! Down-under they are known as Bishop's balls. Seems a funny shape to play football with... No matter, they eat the young pods raw...with ginger and lemon juice. Larger fruits may be stuffed and baked.
BARBAREA Land cress
American cress
hb Easy self-sowing beinnial. Closest flavour to water-cress without any need for damp soil let alone running water. Stands up to all winter weathers here. Flowers are tall masses of yellow, and edible. Land Cress, Americal Cress in winter
Chenopodium giganteum Magenta Spreen
Oriental Tree Spinach
to 6' / 2M !!Mexican tree spinach purple goosefoot magenta spreen
ha Also known as Mexican tree spinach, and purple goosefoot although I choose to use the name Magenta Spreen.  Whatever you decide to call it this is a MAGNIFICENT plant. From slightly fat hen type leaves grows a most startling tip of magenta, rich red-purple. The shoot colour continues until flowering point.
Harvest young for salads and cook older leaves  like spinach. Also stirfries, etc.  
Chenopodium giganteum Mexican tree spinach
 atriplex  hortensis rubra


Purple Orache: a hardy annual that self-seeds each year.  Ornamental foliage plant to 1m or more with luscious deep purple-black leaves.  Luscious?  Yes, edible as a leaf to mix into salads, where the almost black leaves contrast fantastically with green salad leaves. The colour is rather darker than the camera shows.

The seed-heads are fantastic in flower arrangements.

I also listed this in ornamentals, above.

LAMB'S LETTUCE Corn salad. Unassuming saladling grown over very long season. Yup... seems to tolerate winters... that's great ... a salad leaves in winter!
New for 2023

LAST YEAR'S SEEDS   My 'old' seed is often fresher than the normal lots from many seed companies!    Let me choose from all my left over last year's seeds, and go for: LUCKY FIVE £2.50 A lucky dip of 5 packs of last year’s seeds TERRIFIC TWENTY £8 or FANTASTIC FORTY £14  Strictly my choice, but I won’t include anything that you order at the same time, & you can choose  categories you want/don’t want from: annuals, biennials, perennials, trees and shrubs, alpines, bulbs, vegetables, climbers, herbs,  Aquilegias, Geraniums. Yes, choosing all aquilegias is fine!

    • READY RECKONER: £1.50/packet: 6 or more £1.25; 20 or more £1
    • 1 packet=£1.50,   2=£3,  3=£4.50,  4=£6,  5=£7.50,  6=£7.50,  7=£8.75,  8=£10,
    •   9=£11.25,  10=£12.50, 11=£13.75, 12=£15, 13=£16.25, 14=£17.50, 15=£18.25, 16=£20, 17=£20, 18=20, 19=£20, 20=£20, 21=£21, 22=£22, 23=£23, et cetera!  So …if you buy 5 packets, you may as well buy 6; and for anything over 12 packets, you will find 20 will offer very good value indeed!

UK Postage & Packing is £2 (may be cheaper for one or two packets) 

'Hi Carrie, What a pleasure to come across a homegrown website, a garden in itself. ' Malcolm Allum, (Manchester)





Touchwood seeds: fully automated seed packeting system






Good quality white labels …….30 for £1     ................65 for £2

‘Invisible’ green labels……….20 for £1       .................45 for £2

        ‘Highly visible’ yellow ....……. 20 for £1       ..................45 for £2      

  or mix yellow and green…….20 for £1       ..................45 for £2

  or mix 5 colours…………......….20 for £1       .................. 45 for £2

Label postage: they are relatively heavy, so, for UK, 50p per 50 (or part thereof)

But labels sent free with plants-by-post orders.





I fully expect you to enjoy a good germination from my seeds.  If that is not the case, please let me know, for either information and advice, replacement seed or a credit note.  But when you do get good results…please tell your friends and let them benefit from good seed of cottage garden, rare and unusual plants at a brilliant price!!






 Touchwood's seed is grown, harvested & packeted here in Wales


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Copyright Carrie Thomas 2021. All rights reserved.